Monday, November 8, 2010

Inspiration for your day!

Inspiration for your day....

When you wake-up and everything seems like it's going wrong. Your coffee spills all over your clean clothes. You have to go change and that makes you late for work. Then your boss yells at you for not doing your job good enough. When your car runs out of gas and your stranded on the side of the road and you look down in your purse and realize your cell phone is sitting at home on the charger. 

You are driving along and you peer up into the sky and you see THIS. This amazing light sneaking through the dark clouds and you realize life throws you hard times, BUT once in a while you see the sun rays through those dark clouds and you change your perspective on things that get you down. Life is filled with these special moments and if you go along everyday concentrating on all the bad things you will miss an opportunity to see the light. There is ALWAYS light.

Learn to be an Optimist. 

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