Saturday, December 26, 2009

A day in the life...

My Absolute favorite thing to do is to SIT and RELAX on the sand at the beach. This was one of our last days at the beach this past summer. I brought my camera (which I have to do more this summer) and tried out some different shots and settings with it. I LOVE playing around with the camera to get unique shots. There are NO rules!

Do you remember back to when you were a kid? Did you go to the beach? Do you remember what the sand felt like between your toes?? OR do you remember staying in the water playing all day and not wanting to get out even though you had to. Even though, you were cold? It didn't seem to matter... Do you remember NOT caring what you looked like in a bikini? Do you remember eating ice cream and getting it all over and NOT caring! Miss those days...what happens??? all too serious. We should try not to loose our child within us. Next time you are at the beach...PLAY. Get your hair wet! Eat ICE CREAM! Feel the sand between your toes. BREATH in the air. Take a moment to stand in the water and watch as the waves hit your legs. Just BE.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the sunglasses pic..check out my pics at
