Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Everyone else is blurry, you are my focus"

That was a quote from my husband. That was the sweetest thing I've heard!!! He took a picture of me the other day and I was at a seminar standing next to my mother in law and a friend. He said he finally got a picture of what EXACTLY he sees. I'm posting this and telling this story because this is how I feel about my work, however I almost ALWAYS get the shot that I see thru my eyes. What you see in my photography is exactly how I see the world around me. So, my husband finally got the shot and so here it is...

Another picture I want to include is of my daughter. The picture is shown from my eyes. You get to see how I love to work the angles. The lighting is great, it wasn't photoshopped. It just naturally lit up her face. Very cool. 

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