Monday, February 22, 2010

Will you marry me?

I'm really proud of this very first photo shoot I did. It was in Edmonton in late summer. I did some engagement photo's of this couple. It was totally fun and they were a blast to capture on film. Check it out!

DETAILS!!! Details are important and I always catch them. Melissa had the funkiest shoes on so I had to get a picture of them.

For our first location we went to an abondoned farmers field. There were a couple of really old farm houses. It was super cool and exciting. The grass was really over grown.

This next one is one of my favorites...
We finally stumbled upon a bee's nest so we were out of there! On to our next location...

Next we were off to Jasper Ave in downtown Edmonton.(Sometimes I miss the big city-I'm a big city girl) I thought it would be cool to get some shots of the couple in all the hussle and bussle of downtown..


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